All the research by many generations of scientists and explorers which had been set out in quest of the 400 year old city has ended in failure. Plato, the great philosopher wrote of this mysterious city. It is the only ancient source for this theory of Atlantis.
All the descriptions of Atlantis but Plato are very complicated or detailed. Whoever wants to find the Atlantis, Plato's theories would be a detailed road map to them. But unfortunately, no one has discovered a single trace of this lost civilization.
According to Plato, It was a place with round harbors and land rings and is an Island. It was just beyond the Hercules pillars.
most of the ancient writers know what Hercules pillars are and where these are located. We call them today as the Straits of Gibraltar, between the coasts of southern Spain and northern Morocco. A young German physicist, Rainer Keene, who had researche

Plato's writings says Atlantis was destroyed by earth quakes and severe flooding in a single day and night. If this theory is true, and if there was the city of Atlantis it could have been washed into the sea and onto the sea bed. There was another theory revolves around Plato’s writings that the city being located much farthest east, near the islands of Greece name as Crete.
Where ever the lost city of Atlantis is, or whether is even exists, is yet to be discovered and remains one of the biggest unexplained mysteries of our time.
There are so many references to find much more about Atlantis including a movie named Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, a part of Indiana Jones.
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