Sunday 20 November 2016

Yeti, A Big Foot Man Living in Himalayas.. Hard to Believe isnt it? Read Below.


 Yeti, or the Abominable snowman

 Yeti, or the Abominable snowman is and ape like creature which is taller than average human has giant ead, hands and foots, said to be living in the Himalayan region of Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet.

The story of the Himalayan Yeti or the abominable snowman has existed since ages; people in Nepal and Tibet believe that there is a mysterious creature resembling a giant ape, living in the roof of the world, Himalayas.
There have been several reports of the Yeti's footprints being spotted, each one and a half to two feet apart. The existence of the Yeti came to light when a Greek photographer, N. A. Tombazi, saw the creature in 1925. He was working as a member of a British geological expedition in the Himalayas. The creature was a thousand feet away and could still be seen. He tried going after it, finding giant footprints on the ice surface. He took pictures of the footprints
Captain d'Auvergue, the curator of the Victoria Memorial in Calcutta, India, even stated that while he was travelling in the Himalayas and became snow-blind, a Yeti saved him and nursed him. Several other stories of spotting the hairy creature have been reported.

But it was not certain until recently that the mystery behind the Himalayan Yeti was solved. British Scientists confirmed that there really was a creature treading the Himalayan Mountains. The scientists carried out DNA tests on hairs from two unidentified animals that they had found. One was from Ladakh - in northern India on the west of the Himalayas. 40 years ago, a hunter had shot down a creature in Ladakh and the remains of that were taken as the sample for the test. The other hair sample was found by film makers in a bamboo forest in Bhutan, further east from Ladakh. The tests revealed that the unidentified animal that most people believed to be a Yeti, was in fact a subspecies of the brown bear.

The names Yeti commonly used by the people indigenous to the region of Nepal and India, and are part of their history and mythology. As we all know Himalayas are the mother of so many mysteries which cannot be understand and accepted by the modern world. It is so exciting to believe that there is creature living which is different from us.